DIY: Garden Tags

Perfect For Your Garden or Any Floral Arrangement

Starting a kitchen garden is so simple. I remember for my 23rd birthday, Karl’s mom bought me a windowsill planter with three different herbs already planted in soil, each with it’s corresponding label, basil, oregano and rosemary. It was the perfect gift! Since then, I have upgraded my herb garden to an outdoor planter box. Although, I still love to keep a few varieties of herbs in the kitchen for quick usage. Buying herb starters and planting them of course is the easiest way to get started.  I do have to say, the first time I started with a little seed and watched it grow into something I could consume was pretty amazing. Either way, you just can’t beat fresh herbs. And the best thing, or one of the best things, there’s really so many, about a kitchen garden, is you don’t need a lot of space! For those that live in an apartment or don’t have a large backyard, various pots of herbs and vegetables, such as tomatoes, can easily be grown in your kitchen next to a sunny window. Check out your local nursery or even Lowe’s for a variety of herbs. Side-note: I also love to mix match pots with different textures and colors for my indoor kitchen garden. Make it fun!

I’ve seen a few fun ways to label a garden, but I believe this is simplest and most affordable. Below I share with you the items you need and “how-to” instructions. As you can see, I also like to add tags to bouquets of flowers that I place around my house or on the table if I’m hosting a brunch or dinner party. Especially if its a special occasion, get well flowers or even a birthday, it’s fun to personalize the display and can make your guest feel extra special.

Simply Enjoy!


How-to: Garden Tags

What you need:

  • Gold Floral Wire
  • Tags, I chose Martha Stewart’s white gilded tags
  • Gold Marker


  1. Cut the gold wire into desired lengths and curl one end down.
  2. Take tag and write title of the herb or fun description, such as Happy Birthday! Best Wishes! Hello Beautiful!
  3.  Slide on a tag and curl up the end of the wire hold it in place.
  4. Stick tag in a each plant pot or vase.


Garden Tag

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