A Year in Review & What’s to Come in 2018

A Year in Review

Oh hey, long time no see. I know, I know… it’s almost embarrassing how long its been since I’ve written here. You should see all of the drafted posts I have on the backend, it’s almost comical. I always have good intentions of writing, yet it tends to come second these days. I absolutely love having a space to document my thoughts, ideas, and creativity. I believe that any form of writing can be so therapeutic, plus who doesn’t love looking back at old posts and reflecting on those moments? It’s like an online diary, and so fun to read. Resolution #1: blog more.

At a glance, I had a wonderful year: I got to see and spend time with my friends and family (and met my first nephew!). We traveled to 10+ cities (both new and old). I pushed myself and worked harder than I ever have in my entire career. I made serious health goals (and stuck with them). All in all looking back this year was about working hard and playing hard, and we did just that.

I don’t know if this resonates with you, but as we approached 2018, I almost got anxiety about the New Year. Patting myself on the back is sometimes hard to do. Although I consider myself an optimistic person, it tends to be easier to criticize myself first rather than point out the wins. Even when I started thinking about this post, my first thoughts started with a handful of fun memories from the past year, but in moments I felt like I started running out of cool things to say and then I thought well… I didn’t get married, or buy a house or travel internationally. We didn’t get a new dog or have a baby. I didn’t invest my money or buy bitcoin (missed that boat). I didn’t build a new product, start a new company (or pursue one of the 100 ideas I already have)…my mind got so far from my fun memories, that I had to ask myself, “What the heck did I do all year?”

To be honest, around the New Year, I find it hard to be excited. I feel the same way around my birthday. Unless I have something to distract me, like a trip or surrounded by friends, I tend to not feel too great. I don’t want this post to be too heavy, but I want to honest and authentic in case what I’m feeling resonates with you. The idea of looking back on the last year and talking about change tends to overwhelm me. It feels like a lot of pressure, doesn’t it? Pressure to reinvent yourself, or to take it up a notch. 

With so many being positive about the New Year and motivated to start new goals, I find myself feeling the exact opposite. As I mentioned this past year the biggest thing that stands out for me is work. I took on more projects and worked more hours than I have in my entire career. As a result of that, there are moments when I felt like I was working to keep up instead of loving the work. I know that it’s a blessing to be able to do what you love, and many live their whole life never experiencing that. I’m a very passion-driven person, so I’m finding it’s easy for me to get down on myself when I don’t feel inspired or motivated.

These feelings will pass, as they always do.  I’ll find inspiration again, and tomorrow will come. Until then, I’m going to focus on practicing the following themes for 2018:

  1. Self-care. Be kinder to myself. 
  2. Rest. Find peace in slowing down from time to time, so that I feel refreshed.
  3. Disconnect. Spend more time being grateful for the things that make me feel full. 
  4. Start a new passion project. Just start, it doesn’t have to be perfect.  
  5. Just say “no”. Be strategic about my time and preserve energy for the things that “give” more than they take.
  6. Blog. Writing will help me put things into perspective.
  7. Focus on the now. Live each day focusing on what is happening in that moment, instead of looking so much at what the future will bring.
  8. Take more risks. Less thinking more doing. 
  9. Reduce stress. Discover ways to let go of things I can’t control to limit anxiety.
  10. Find Joy. Do more of what makes my heart sing. Do more of the things that bring me joy – without hesitation or excuses. Make this a priority.

My wish for you is that you have a wonderful year doing whatever it is that makes your heart full and happy! How are you reflecting on 2017 and what are you looking forward to in the New Year?

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