DIY: Gold and White Backdrop

how-to: Gold& White bakdrop

I don’t care what you say… birthdays are a big deal. It’s the one day a year you have permission to take advantage, I mean enjoy a whole day all about you! I say this in the most humble way of course. It’s more about feeling special, having people remind you how important you are to them, showering you with love and diamonds best wishes. I think we’ve all been in that “It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to” mode. Generally, as a materialistic and often self-absorbed society, (yeah I said it) this notion of a “birthday party” has exponentially grown to birthday extravaganza. A weekend in Vegas with all your girlfriends, a weeks vacation “for your birthday,” or the justification card “I need this new $400 insert item here, because it’s my birthday, duh.” And lastly, the blame card. “You have to make me dinner and buy me flowers everyday, it’s my birthday month!” You either know someone that fits this description or (fess up)… you’re guilty as charged. I have found when you encompass overly high expectations… such as a yacht cruise and your name spelled out in fireworks “Happy Birthday, Jamie!” (too much?) #highexpectations, it all goes to your head. I’ll admit it, I’ve been guilty of doing this in the past (on more than one occasion). But, totally not my fault. I blame it on my mom. Poor moms, they always get the blame. 

Starting with birthday numero uno. Since my birthday is in April (Aries, holla!), it always runs super close to Easter and sometimes even lands on Easter Sunday. For this reason, my mom always made sure I felt extra, extra special. She would invite family and friends over for huge feasts, inclusive of a bunny birthday cake, presents and lots of love. Over the years, other birthdays consisted of trips to Knott’s Berry Farm (rain or shine), big birthday sleepovers (with 10+ girls), a very sweet sixteen limo ride and dinner downtown San Diego, a gifted dream car (Thanks, dad!), and the list goes on. #blessed

In addition to Mama Danno & Papa Danno, I blame my my best childhood friends. From homemade Happy Birthday shirts they wore to school, Tiffany jewelry on my 18th birthday, a scavenger hunt all around town, to decorating my car in the student parking lot, my girlfriends always went the extra mile making me feel like a V.I.P.

Since I have loved ones in my life making me feel special on that big day, as a result I find its my duty to pass the birthday spoiling on. It could be the event planner in me, but I love any excuse to go above and beyond for someone special. And, I LOVE surprises! Yes, receiving them is fun, but giving them, oh boy! is even better! The look you get when someone is surprised= priceless. There’s nothing better than planning a day full of sporadic surprises just for that birthday person.

So, what does all of this have to do with a gold and white backdrop? Eh, not a lot (or maybe it’s everything?)  But, it will make any event, birthday, New Years Eve Bash, baby shower, Oscar Party, girls night in– you name it, more festive, fun and memorable!

The Babe’s, aka K aka my main squeeze, 25th birthday was this past weekend and I put together a “dapper” themed birthday to celebrate. I think even for the men in our lives, it’s fun to add a few extra details that let them know they’re amazing. Guys like sparkles too, duh. A backdrop is not only great when laying out desserts or an appetizer spread, but it pairs as a perfect photo backdrop for all your guests. And we all know, no evening is complete without the photos to capture it all.

Starting with a few basic colors and following it throughout your theme, really ties the whole presentation together. For example, I knew I wanted to make #paleo cupcakes with little flag toppers (recipe coming soon), so I used gold foil for the cupcake wrappers and embellished the flags with gold paint. Then, for my bow-tie silverware, I added gold metallic ribbon and rhinestones to accent. Once you start, its really simple to add matching details. Alternatively, you could have your theme be mismatch and call it a day! Another plus, you don’t have to spend a ton of $$ on decorations. In total for Karl’s display table and backdrop I spent about $40. Hit up your local dollar store for party staples such as napkins, ribbon, tablecloths, streamers, confetti, tape, etc. It might not seem a lot, but every dollar saved adds up. As always, have fun with it and enjoy another year older. They tell me it only gets better from here!

Simply Enjoy!

Backdrop Instructions:

(2) gold fringe table garlands 
(10) packs of 20×20″ white tissue paper 
Scotch tape

  1. Fold two sheets of tissue paper in half the long way and staple along the fold.
  2. Use the scissors to fringe the length of the tissue paper. You can fold it several times first to fringe faster. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for remaining tissue paper.
  3. Starting at the bottom of the wall, start taping gold fringe and cut where desired. Then, take white tissue paper and tape white fringe on the wall at various angles, crisscrossing across the wall, alternating gold and white fringe as you go. Layer each fringe so that the top layer covers about 1/4- 1/2 of the fringe layer below.
  4. Finish off with props for guests to use for a photo opt, or do like I did and add some streamer balloons!



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