Brussels Sprout Rice

Brussels Rice

I have a confession… I’ve never been a big fan of rice. I mean yeah, I do love sushi and California burritos but I just can’t tolerate the grains. They leave me feeling like exactly what I ate, a fluffy white granule. But somehow rice does seem to be a great pair with certain dishes. Any type of Mexican food, rice is a must. Asian food–yup rice. Indiana food, pass the nan and spoonful of rice. Persian, can’t enjoy without tadig! Let’s be honest, its almost become a meal staple! So if you don’t eat grains, what can you make to fulfill it’s place?

Well, I often make cauliflower rice, which does the trick. It’s white like rice, has a fluffy, airy texture and you can add spices and such to customize it per dish.

Honestly, I’m sick of cauli-rice. I’m just burnt out. Cauli- I love ya, but I need to mix ya up. So, I’ve developed a ricey alternative for you out there that feel my caulk-overload, Brussels Sprout rice. I know, amazing name right? I’m working on it.  SIDENOTE: Brussels Sprouts– I always say brussel instead of brussels with the s… I don’t know why but I’ve always said it that way. And, it’s kind of hard to say brussels sprouts when you say it aloud. Seriously, say it 5 times fast…

No? Just me? Anyway, because I’m partially spanish (not really I just feel very cultured from all my burrito eating days in San Diego) I love making this side whenever I make tacos or burrito bowls. It’s SO simple, has great refreshing flavors and can go alongside pretty much any main dish. Simple Enjoy! XOXO

Brussels Sprout Rice
Serves 4
A perfect rice alternative!
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
15 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 4 cups whole brussels sprouts
  2. 2 limes
  3. 2 ripe avocados
  4. 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  5. 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
  6. salt and pepper to taste
  1. First, wash your brussels sprouts.
  2. Place brussels in a food processor or blender.
  3. Pulse for 10 seconds until the brussels are chopped up, no whole bits.
  4. Pour chopped brussels into a large bowl and add the limes, vinegar and coconut oil. Mix well until all ingredients are combined.
  5. Next, add your ripe avocado and with a fork, or your hands and mix in the avocado.
  6. Add salt and pepper to taste
  1. If you want some a little kick, feel free to add in jalapeƱo peppers or cayenne pepper to spice things up.
  2. Storage
  3. Refrigerate and enjoy up to four days.
Jamie Danno

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